THE Financial Performance and Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Going Digital among Companies Listed in Nairobi Security Exchange
In the new global economy, marked with the technological uncertainty, financial performance and digital activities has emerged as a major concern for shareholders and stakeholders. The study looks at the role of going digital on the relationship between financial performance and firm value through a macro-level data. The sample consisted of (39) firms listed at Nairobi Security Exchange (NSE) in Kenya. Representing a 61.905% of firms listed NSE, with 390 observations during the period (2010-2019). The study hypotheses were tested on fixed effect linear model. The study's findings indicate that there was a significant main effect found between financial performance [ROA] and firm value [Tobin’s Q], and also a significant main effect of going digital [DGTL] on firm value [Tobin’s Q]. There was a significant interaction of going digital on financial performance and firm value. The study results confirmed that financial performance is a positive signal that enhance stock price, positively contributing to high firm value. Overall, going digital at lower levels enhances the relationship between financial performance and firm value. In conclusion organization in search of new technology practice conservative disclosure of digital activities since unsuccessful research activities my influence future performance.
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