Availability of Competence-Based Teaching/Learning Materials, Tools, and Equipment at Kenya's Coastal Region TVET Institutions
Competence-based programs aim to equip learners with skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for actual workplaces, so the development of these skills knowledge and attitudes takes into account the needs of businesses and industries. Despite the fact that competency-based curriculum has been introduced in Kenya for over ten years, data from TVET Authority indicate that the acceptance of Competence Based Education and Training (CBET) programmes in TVET institutions has been extremely slow (TVETA, 2021). Therefore, this study evaluated the availability of competence-based teaching/learning materials, tools, and equipment in TVET institutions in the coastal region in Kenya. The study was conducted in technical institutions in Coast region of Kenya which involved National Polytechnic, Technical Training Institutes and Institutes of Technology. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study target population was 870 which includes Principals, Heads of Departments (HOD’s), Industrial Liaison Officers (ILO’s), trainers and trainees from the Kenyan Coast National Polytechnic, Godoma Technical Training Institute and Coast Institute of Technology. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select trainers (22) and trainees (94) and census technique was used to select Principals (3), ILO’s (3), and HOD’s (18). Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, interviews and observations. The questionnaire was tested for reliability using Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha to determine the internal consistency of the items. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 was used to analyze the quantitative data descriptively. The study revealed competence-based teaching/learning materials, tools and equipment is inadequate in our TVET institutions and this impedes the successful implementation of competency-based curriculum. In order to effectively equip training institutions, stakeholders, parents, industries, the government, and donors must contribute to the acquisition of competence-based teaching/learning materials tools and equipment.
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