Research Proposal and Thesis/Dissertation Writing Course in Modern Higher Education, an Emerging Issue in Sustainable Development in the Modern World

  • Patrick Kafu A. School of Education, University of Eldoret, P.o Box 1125 30100, Eldoret, Kenya
Keywords: Emerging issues; Modern World; Research Proposal; Research and Innovation; Thesis/Dissertation Writing; Sustenable Development.


Research and innovation, if properly conducted, are supposedly the spurs/catalysts and/or the basis for initiating and conducting sustainable development in modern society.  They have, as well as they do provide and carry the potential for transforming the society.  In other words, Research and Innovation (R&I) are the basis of conducting the desired development especially sustainable development in modern society. These two components of education, research and innovation, usually develop and promote the main ingredients needed for the development and sustenance of the desired model of development to embrace for modern society.  However, for these two processes of education to play their rightful role in development, they must be properly designed and conducted.  This is the basis on which the design and administration of the course on Research Proposal/Thesis Writing in Higher Education was derived from.  Therefore, the purpose of designing and presenting this paper is to examine and discuss the nature of this course on Research Proposal and Thesis/Dissertation Writing (RPTDW) in the management of modern research and innovation in Higher education; the importance of the course in the administration of research and innovation for conducting sustainable development in modern world; the main considerations in the design and administration of this course in the management of modern research and innovation and, the challenges of adopting and embracing this course in the administration of research and innovation for sustainable development in modern world.  The discussion of each of these aspects of the paper will inform the premise in which King (1961) and Ssenteza – Kajjubi (1969) considered education and, by extension research and innovation, as critical components of the development of modern society


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How to Cite
Kafu A., P. (2023, April 27). Research Proposal and Thesis/Dissertation Writing Course in Modern Higher Education, an Emerging Issue in Sustainable Development in the Modern World. African Journal of Education,Science and Technology, 7(3), Pg 450-457.