Head Teachers’ Preparedness to Use ICT in Management of Primary Schools in Ndhiwa Sub-County, Kenya
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized every feature of human life including the education sector. Efforts to use ICT in both teaching and school management, for example, are growing in various countries. This study thus purposed to investigate head teachers’ preparedness to use ICT in School Management Tasks (SMTs) in Ndhiwa sub-county, Homabay County in Kenya. The study employed a descriptive survey design in selected 46 primary schools. A total of 46 Head Teachers (HTs) and 6 Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs) were involved in the study. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data. Quantitative data was analysed descriptively into frequencies and percentages whereas qualitative data was subjected to thematic analysis in line with the conceptual framework and the research questions. The two data sets were then triangulated for compelling and interesting results. Results show that although 87% of the HTs had received ICT training through self-sponsorship, their level of preparedness to use ICT in SMTs remains low. Results, for example, show that the HT’s ICT proficiency was limited to basic use of the e-mail, internet and MS office respectively. Furthermore, results reveal that the HT’s overall use of computer programs in performing SMTs was generally low at 31% with the leading use being for performing administrative tasks (45.1%), instructional tasks (27.5%) and financial tasks (20.7%) respectively. With the above findings, the study recommends further studies to identify the specific HT’s ICT training needs meant to inform ICT Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training to equip the HTs with advanced computer proficiency skills.
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