Focusing on Teaching and Learning Resources in Improving Academic Performance of Learners with HI in Inclusive Schools

  • Eliud Oyoo
  • Jacinter Auma Ogada Department of Educational Psychology and Science, P.O Box 103-40404 Rongo University,
  • Sharon Onditi
Keywords: Academic Performance, Learners, Hearing Impairment, Inclusive Schools


Poor academic performance of learners with hearing impairment in inclusive schools is a challenge that has been worrying most of the stakeholders from global to local level. Stake holders are unable to identify the main factors that are responsible for this undesirable trend. The purpose of this study was to examine how focusing on teaching and learning resources can improve academic performance of learners with HI in Rachuonyo East Sub County, Homa Bay County, Kenya. The study was guided by Instructional Design Theory by Charles Reigeluth (1999). The study used a cross-sectional survey research design and mixed research approach. The target population consisted of 17 H/Teachers, 5 CSO’s, 78 teachers and 884 pupils of grade six from inclusive schools in all Zones of Rachuonyo East Sub County in Homa-Bay County, Kenya. A sample size of 370 respondents comprising of 5 CSO’s, 17 H/Teachers, 78 teachers and 270 pupils were selected using census and purposive sampling techniques. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaires for teachers and head teachers, face to face interview for the CSOs and focused group discussions for learners. The reliability coefficient was determined using Cronbach’s Alpha for each Sub-Scale. Test – retest research technique of reliability was administered twice to the same respondents in an interval of two weeks while keeping all the initial conditions constant and an acceptable reliability index of .78 was realized. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively into frequency counts, mean ratings and percentages; then further inferentially using t-test and correlation methods. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The analyzed findings from the different sources were then corroborated and triangulated to bring harmony in the paper. The study finding was that when teaching and learning resources are adequately focused on by teachers, it will have moderate and positive (r = .530) significant influence (p = .000) on academic performance of HI learners. It is therefore recommended that special needs teachers should always use relevant and appropriate teaching / learning resources in the planning and delivery of their lessons. This should also be anchored in the ministry of education policy guiding the training of HI learners in inclusive primary schools.


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How to Cite
Oyoo, E., Ogada, J., & Onditi, S. (2024, October 25). Focusing on Teaching and Learning Resources in Improving Academic Performance of Learners with HI in Inclusive Schools. African Journal of Education,Science and Technology, 8(1), Pg. 268-279.